
Track financed emissions and incentivise low carbon projects

For real estate financiers who want to develop and deploy green lending products.

We help development lenders establish sustainable finance frameworks and Key Performance Indicators that allow them to reliably incentivise low embodied carbon projects.

Historically, a lack of embodied carbon data and inconsistent assessments have made this challenging. Our expertise, quality assurance process and embodied carbon management platform mean financiers can lend against these criteria with confidence.

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Case Studies
Lonsdale Road, London
NW Works
Two London warehouse refurbishments by Akoya London.
St Sampson, Guernsey
Rock Health
A new health club converted from a 10 pin bowling alley in The Channel Islands.
Bergamo, Italy
Cividate al Piano
Logistics Capital Partners new logistics distribution centre now occupied by Amazon.
St Peter Port, Guernsey
Royal Terrace
Conversion of an empty shell into a contemporary office.
Talbot Wood, Bournemouth
A nine unit new build apartment block.